Wednesday, June 12, 2013

HSG procedure

This is my uterus on an X-ray with dye to show if I have any blockages or issues that need to be avoided during implantation. You can see my fallopian tubes on the sides of them. so cool!

Its early June and I had to go into to get this done today. I'd heard the procedure was not a pleasant experience. Honestly it was easier than a well woman exam. I do have some spotting now and am leaking some of the fluid they inserted in my uterus but besides that and some light cramping it was easy. They wouldn't let me bring anyone in the room with me or  let me take pictures during the procedure but here is me in my surgery gear before hand.

1 comment:

  1. I had this procedure done two times and it is unpleasant when one of your tubes is blocked, the second time I did it I was worried b/c the first time was so unpleasant but it was no big deal b/c I had no blockages the second time and I could not believe how easy it was. The doc said that stress during the procedure can cause one of your tubes to spasm, causing a blockage, which might be what happened to me the first time :-)
