My IPs came up for my 12 week midwife appointment. Nik, my hand husband, and Adilynn, my 4 y/o niece, tagged along too. We went to a 4-D ultrasound boutique just so they could get as sneak peak at the baby. There used to be several all around town but apparently all but 2 had gone out of business. The closest one to me was 40 min. Away and an hour from my midwife's office which was out next stop. The ultrasound confirmed it was a boy which we already knew but we got a look to confirm. He looked like an actual baby this time and not a jelly bean. I had a big orange juice just before I arrived so he'd be nice and active and not was he. He did flips, wiggled and danced up a storm for his parents and big sister. After that we grabbed some lunch at my favorite Thai place then ran to see my midwife. The appointment went well. Baby and I are measuring on target. Heart beat was in the 150s and I've only gained 3lbs in 12 weeks. Not bad ....
The results came back from the genitic testing came back add clear. We did know this already too but decided that instead of doing the costly nucal testing, which is normally done as a noninvasive form of downs testing around 12 weeks, that MaterniT 21+ was the way to go. It was much cheaper and more accurate.
My IPs will come up again at 20 weeks for the big ultrasound and prenatal appt. Which will be around mid Feb.
12 weeks at our family photo shoot. |
And POP! @13 weeks just 2 days before Christmas.
Baby did some growing for me so I could fit into all my cute
Winter maternity ware in time. |
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